This Cascade Chapter of the ASSP has a lot to offer to the members. We explore the workings of the chapter, explore the Executive Committee, see minutes and newsletters and find out who are members of the chapter.
To begin with, there are two parts of the Executive Committee. There is the elected group of the committee and the appointed members of the committee. The chapter will list both and allow you to get to know each chapter member.
The chapter will also list the chapter meeting minutes and the monthly newsletters so that members and others can see what the chapter is up to.
The Cascade Chapter of the ASSP Chapter is located in Region I. The Chapter’s geographical area is defined as follows:
- Lincoln County
- Linn County
- Lane County
- Coos County
- Douglas County
- Deschutes County
- Cook County
- Benton, (excluding OSU student section in Corvallis)
- Jefferson. County
The Oregon-Cascade Chapter of the ASSP meets on the third Tuesday of every month at the Sizzlers Restraint on Postal Way in Springfield. The Executive committee meets 1 hour before the regular meeting. The Oregon-Cascade Chapter of the ASSP has an executive board of 5 members and there are 6 additional members appointed by the President. These people will be described in the section Oregon-Cascade Officers. The goal of the chapter is to bring quality information in a timely manner to our members. Each month the chapter informs the members with information that has come from our national chapter that has particular bearing on the chapter and the state. More importantly our monthly meetings provide a forum for our members, student members and guests to meet among themselves to foster contacts and professionalism.
Our chapter has a variety of different types of business professionals in it. Our chapter has four major groups of businesses in it. They are:
- Construction
- Utilities
- General Industry
- Health Care
The purpose of this Chapter will be to promote the advancement of the safety profession and safety professionals and development of its members in the geographical area served. In fulfilling its purposes, the Chapter shall have the following objectives within the geographical area: Our mission is to develop and promote educational programs for obtaining the knowledge required to perform the functions of a safety professional. This is done by:
- Developing and disseminate locally, information and materials that will carry out the purposes of the Chapter, the Society, and serve the public.
- Providing and/or support forums for the interchange and acquisition of professional knowledge among its members.
- Foster liaison with local organizations of related disciplines.
- Inaugurate and implement programs and projects which are consistent with the purposes of the Chapter and the Society.
- Conduct Chapter affairs in a manner that will reflect the standards, purposes and objectives